Legend Hero

Legend Hero

Legend Hero means limited characters that have been issued with 16,500 NFTs through INO and are no longer added. S (no frame), SS (silver frame), SSS (attribute frame), and SSSS (gold frame) are given according to the rarity of the NFT. A monarch that has Legend Hero will be able to record a high winning rate based on strong generals.

Mercenary Center

Legend Hero NFT holder can register the character in the Mercenary Center, and at this time the NFT is transmitted on the blockchain to Staking Contract. All the players who play the game have the opportunity to hire mercenaries registered in the center, and by paying TKP, they can enter into a scholarship agreement with the NFT owner of the mercenary they want. In this case, the actual NFT is managed by Staking Contract and the ownership is not transferred to the lender. Part of the rewards earned using hired mercenaries goes to the NFT owners, but proper utilization of mercenaries will be a win-win for both sides as they can win battles more easily and earn more rewards.

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